
  • Red horseshoe magnet attracting silver metal balls.

How Much Is a New Customer Worth to You?

June 4, 2024|

Anna Covert - Forbes Books Author Forbes Books - AUTHOR POST Published June 3, 2024 One of the most difficult questions my clients wrestle with is, “How much is a new customer worth to [...]

  • A scenic view of a beach in Honolulu with the city skyline in the background during sunset.

Understanding How to Do Business With Aloha

April 26, 2024|

Anna Covert - Forbes Books Author Forbes Books - AUTHOR POST Published April 26, 2024 For the past 20 years, I have called Hawaii home. I’m not Hawaiian. I’m a Kama’aina, which means Local. The [...]

  • Anna Covert standing in front of a digital binary code background.

Anna Covert Releases Digital Marketing Book & Podcast

March 4, 2024|

Unlocking the secrets of digital marketing and explaining strategies that deliver success. I am passionate about helping business owners navigate the world of digital marketing. Too often, they have been ‘sold’ digital solutions that [...]

  • A wooden mannequin arranging blocks with images of gifts, hearts, and accessories, symbolizing personalization and thoughtful presentation.

FOMO And AI: Do You Have Fear Of Missing Out?

January 15, 2024|

Anna Covert - Forbes Books Author Forbes Books - AUTHOR POST Published Jan 15th, 2024  “What do I need to know about AI?” This may be the question that clients most often ask me. I [...]